I have returned to Ottawa and am sitting at my sister's computer thinking about the last 7 months. Things seem normal here that is almost feels like I didn't leave at all; however at the same time, I feel like a foreigner and the Ottawa I remember seems strangely unfamiliar. Everything pretty much looks the same but feels quite different. I had a friend warn me that when I returned I will realize how much I changed and that has hold true. I feel like Ottawa has been evacuated or something because the streets are eerily quiet. I guess I am showimg symptoms of reverse culture shock, but I really can't believe the sound of soundlessness. I know I complained about the noise and buzz of the Hanoi streets, but here the feeling is so impersonal when you walk by a passerby. I am used to talking to the street vendors, people encouraging me to buy something, and saying hello to my regular
xe om drivers. However, I have missed the excuse me's, please's, and may I's, and understand why Canadians have a reputation for being polite.

My farewell in Hanoi is the best farewell I ever had. Chi came over to say goodbye, all the roommates woke up early and took a piece of luggage each and walked me to my cab (since the taxi can't pick me up at my door because of our long, narrow windy alley). I hugged my housekeeper good-bye and shook hands with Lora's xe om / our house handyman.
Just wanted to post that I plan to put an extensive reflection eventually once I get settled. I just returned to Elm Street and started my first day of work and have the lovely task of unpacking all week. So stay tuned!
Hieu ah, its so funny when i came to highway4 lastnite to have dinner with some friends. He aslo called an Aussie gal come to. And it was Paula who is living in your house now. Is it a gal in the photo? So funny, u see, Hanoi is very small.
That is hilarious! Paula also used to live with Katina (or maybe took over her room, when she left)! Such a small world!
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